characters trained for PvP / PvE
characters trained for PvP / PvE
In the popular game Eve Online, any player, having played for a while, begins to understand that to achieve some success in the game he or she will need many months of play. This usually arises the question whther it worth spending so much personal time, or there is a way to simplify things – for instance, to buy a trained eve character or eve account? And the answer is yes. Our website is one of the most reliable resource to find a ready eve character, of different price ranges (depending on the skills level) – so to buy eve character (or some say to buy eve account) of different races and bloodlines, with different skills and specializations. The only thing you need to do before you buy eve an character, is take a look at the skills of available characters, and decided which one to buy.
In Eve there are fairly many important parameters, to be more precise – skills an eve character can and even must have to be a successful and efficient PvP-er or agent-runner. In Eve, a player can have only 3 eve characters that can actually perform various roles, and an unlimited number of accounts. The difficulty is that learning skills is made individually for each character on one eve account, only one character can train a skill at a time, and only one character can be logged on at a time. Every single character can evolve to its characteristic direction, be it production, trade, or mission running. But anyway, sooner or later, every player is facing the necessity (or a strong desire) to have characters with different roles on different eve accounts to be able to control them simultaniously. The above mentioned limitation also leads to the impossibility of leveling all the characters on one eve account. And hence for further growth players do create other eve accounts and redistribute their character between them. Or for some it is convenient to just buy eve character, a leveled one and receive it on a separate eve account (buy eve account) - and to fully enjoy the game!
On our website you can buy eve account with already pumped existing characters on it, or to purchase separately an eve character (buy eve character) to the account you want. It is topical because even though training any skills by an eve character seems to go in the background, regardless of whether the player is at the computer or not, still for the maximum level of certain skills years of real time may be required. It is easier to buy a trained eve character, than to wait so long - and each new level of skill is trained 5 times longer! Therefore, the easiest way out is buy eve account or eve character.Some increase in the training time can be achieve through using eve implants, which can actually be lost when the character gets pod killed. But generally using implants is a wise and commonly practiced idea.Youo can buy implants on our website as well.
We've been playing this game for so long that we were able to train a lot of characters and accounts by ourselves and understand what a good character is. We offer our clients an almost immediate opportunity to have the best characters in this popular multiplayer game – as to buy eve account, or to buy eve character with all the necessary trained skills means the opportunity to enjoy the game right from the first minute of the game. It is clear that the price of the purchased eve character or eve account depends on the skills and their levels.
The entire game consists in the systematic development of the skills of an eve character in order to be able to perform some roles, take part in space battles, conquest and research, discover new locations in space. All this gives an opportunity to earn the game currency - eve isk. But the currency itself is not sufficient as, for example, to control some vehicle certain skills are required, and the more powerful is the ship, the more time will it take time to train the skills. It is therefore easier to buy eve character that has these skills. Many new players in order not to wait for months buy trained eve characters, which allows them to pilot the most powerful ships.
On our website there is always a great assortment of eve characters and accounts at reasonable prices. All these characters have had a long time of training. Buy eve character or the whole eve account (buy eve account) with us - and you will get the finest pilots, who can fly the ships you want in the game.